Youth Ministry Commission
Providing a firm foundation for Christian faith, growth and fellowship happens primarily at home and within a local congregation, but the desire to also create diocesan-wide opportunities for this to happen is alive and well!
Years ago this led to the creation of Cliff Springs Youth Camp, an exciting West Missouri opportunity for youth for over _____ years! Until closing its doors due to financial strain in 2004 it was a source of countless cherished moments for youth and adults and its loss was felt deeply. But soon after, a renewed recommitment to create diocesan-wide youth opportunities was born. Starting with little more than a vision of what could be, the Youth Ministry Commission (YMC) was formed in 2005 to chart a new course!
The commission, made up of youth, adult leaders, and clergy, works hard to help youth ministry thrive. Its primary purpose is to ensure programs and activities are available, engaging and meaningful to youth – the target audience. Young members of the commission feel heard and valued, and participate actively. Those serving on the commission on the commission gain in valuable leadership skills and spiritual growth experiences. We’re always looking for people who are passionate about their faith and passionate about youth ministry! This means people who love being with young people and enjoy the opportunity to connect.
Would you be interested in being a part of this effort? New faces bring fresh perspectives; your unique insights, perspectives and experiences will be welcome at the table. Share what you know about the challenges and opportunities facing youth today and help this program grow!
If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, click here to apply