Why Youth Ministry?

God has a habit of choosing teenagers to accomplish great things. In 1 Samuel 16 when the prophet Samuel goes to the house of Jesse, it’s not the strapping, strutting older brothers of the house that God chooses to be king. It’s the underage runt of the litter that got anointed as the future leader of Israel.

Youth ministry provides young people with opportunities to engage, taking their faith journey seriously by asking thought-provoking, challenging questions. They are not afraid to have a conversation about what they believe and why they believe it. Jesus lives and breathes through their words and actions. Youth are walking examples of the gospel. Imagine the possibilities of involving them as worship leaders, altar guild members, greeters, ushers, Sunday school teachers, and even preachers! When given the opportunity they will not only rise to the challenge, but they will set the bar at a whole new level.

We were all teenagers once and other than technology, things have not changed that much – people are people. The next time you see a young person take a moment to sit and visit with them. Ask them how things are going and don’t be afraid to share a little about you. Give them the opportunity to be the face of the present church and you will surely be amazed at the work God is doing through them.

Events and programs in the Diocese of West Missouri are designed for youth to experience opportunities in Evangelism, Spiritual Formation, Christian Leadership, Mission, Fellowship, Scripture and the Episcopal Church. WEMO Youth programming strives to provide:

  • A safe, loving, and wholesome atmosphere for young people.
  • Programs which help young people become formed in their faith.
  • A variety in worship experiences that help young people connect with God and one another.
  • Formation in the historic faith and teaching about Anglican expression of Christianity.
  • The means for young people to develop their individual prayer and spiritual life.
  • Assistance for young people as they develop values and ethical norms.
  • Interaction with adults who authentically model the Christian faith.
  • Activities (games, sports, crafts, etc.) which involve fun and the building of a sense of worth.