Mega Camp

The Diocese of West Missouri is happy to announce its partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas for this year’s Episcopal Summer Mega Camp. This is a great opportunity to connect with young people across the Midwest and spend a week learning more about your faith.

Camp Wood features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions, and prayer.

Episcopalians have been attending Summer Camp the first week in June at Camp Wood YMCA for over 80 years. Camp Wood is accredited by the American Camp Association–a process that has over 300 safety and quality standards. There are separate age-appropriate Christian education, camp activities, and sleeping arrangements for three age-groups, as well as healthy well-balanced meals with accommodations available for allergies.

When: June 1-7, 2024

Where: Camp Wood YMCA, Elmdale, KS

Theme: To be announced soon! 

Who: Students in grades 3-12 for 2024-25 school year (you must have finished third grade to attend); 
Camp is not restricted to Episcopalians or regular churchgoers. All are welcome, so feel free to invite friends and family.

Cost: $525 through May 1, 2024; $575 after May 1. There is a $35 non-refundable deposit due at registration.
Payment plans are available. If you choose, UltraCamp will automatically divide the cost of camp over the remaining months between when you register and the start of camp. The full camp fee must be paid by the first day of camp. Register early to have more, smaller payments.

Registration: online via UltraCamp starting January 1; priority deadline is May 1. Register by clicking here.

Scholarships: The Diocesan Youth Program has money available for scholarships to help with the cost of camp.  To apply please fill out this form. Contact Fr. David Wilcox with any questions!

Cancellation Deadline: Two weeks prior to the start of the camp session for a 100% refund. 

Camp FAQ’s