Resources for Black History Month 2024
Each year the month of February is dedicated to the study and celebration of the history of Black Americans and their contributions to our nation. Including their contributions to the life and faith of the Episcopal Church. From the ordination of The Rev. Absolom Jones (whose feast we celebrate this month) to the complicity of our church in the sin of segregation, to the witness of pioneering clergy like The Rev. Pauli Murray, The Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris and the Most Rev. Michael Curry and the continuing work of dedicated and faithful Black Episcopalians around the world and for Racial Reconciliation. It is my hope that these resources will assist you in raising awareness and learning about this important part of our story.
- 1994 Pastoral Letter from the House of Bishops on the Sin of Racism
- 12 Black History Museums you can explore from home.
- Celebrating Black Saints-A Ministry of St. Ambrose Episcopal Church in Raleigh
- This Book is Anti-Racist by Tiffany Jewell
- Becoming Beloved Community Where You Are-A Resource for Racial Reconciliation from The Episcopal Church
- A Prayer for Racial Justice– From the Church of England