
The Book of Common Prayer states on page 412 that “In the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism.”  Confirmation is that rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.

The sacramental rite of Confirmation is not something that should be undertaken lightly but only after prayer, reflection, and preparation. When, after prayer and reflection someone feels like they are ready to take ownership of their faith and be confirmed, the resources on this page are here to help priests, youth ministers, and volunteers prepare those wanting to receive Confirmation to deepen their understanding of the faith and their responsibilities as Christians.  

Bishop Bruce does not have a minimum age requirement for a confirmation candidate. The bishop’s policy is that she trusts those preparing someone for confirmation to know whether or not the person is ready, regardless of their age. 

Diocesan Confirmation Materials

Suggested Curriculum 

Confirmation Retreats 

Each year the Youth Ministry Office puts on regional day-long confirmation retreats for those preparing to receive this sacramental rite and affirm their baptismal covenant. Our hope is that this retreat will complement and enhance the preparation done at the parish level by providing time and space away from the pressures of everyday life for intentional prayer, reflection, and conversation about what we believe and what it means to live out those beliefs in the world with others undergoing the same preparation around the diocese. To learn more about these retreats and how to register for them click here.