Diocesan Convention
Established in 1890, the Annual Diocesan Convention is the annual business meeting of The Diocese of West Missouri and acts as the primary legislative body of the diocese. It’s a time when clergy and laypeople from all over the diocese come together to vote on an annual budget — called the ‘Plan for Ministry’, to elect officers, and to hear reports of work from diocesan programs. But more importantly, we join together, worship together, learn together, and discern together — reflecting on becoming a better people of God.
Youth Presence at Diocesan Convention
Attending Diocesan Convention is a great opportunity to see some of the inner workings of the Episcopal Church and meet other youth and adults from around the diocese. There are lots of ways for youth to be involved. There is no cost to attend, but you need to register in advance.
The 2024 Diocesan Convention will be held at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City on November 8-9. The Youth Presence will include participating in the Convention Eucharist, an overnight lock-in at the Cathedral, a Q&A session with our Bishop Provisional, and more. This year’s convention will culminate in the election of our IX Bishop.
Youth are invited to participate by applying to be youth delegates (more information below), serving as acolytes at the Eucharist, leading worship, and serving as pages to assist with various needs throughout the business meeting and election process.
Agenda for Convention Lock-In
Friday, November 8
7:00 p.m.: Check-In
7:45 p.m.: Welcome, Introduction & Ground Rules
8:15 p.m.: Q&A with Bishop Bruce & Human Bingo
8:45 p.m.: Icebreakers & Getting to Know Each Other
9:15 p.m.: Smores & Photo Scavenger Hunt
10:15 p.m.: Compline
10:30 p.m.: Movie & Almost Midnight Pancakes
12:00 a.m.: Lights Out
Saturday, November 9
8:00 a.m.: Wake Up & Breakfast
9:00 a.m.: Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m.: Election Begins (Youth have the option of staying in the nave to observe the election)
10:30 a.m.: Service Projects
12:00 p.m.: Noonday Prayer & Lunch
1:00 p.m.: Activities in Haden Hall (Mario Cart, Movie, Games, Social Time)
3:00 p.m.: Check-Out
Youth Delegates
The Constitutions and Canons (Church Law) of the Diocese of West Missouri provide for the election of one youth delegate one alternate from each of the Diocese’s three Deaneries (NW Metro, Central, and Southern.) These delegates are full voting members of the Convention, elected by their fellow youth, who serve as the voice of the young people of our diocese in our deliberations.
This year the following youth have been elected to serve as the delegates and alternates for their deaneries!

Henry Galus
Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City
Delegate, Northwest-Metro Deanery

Reese Smith
Christ Church, Springfield
Delegate, Southern Deanery

Jack Bates
Calvary Church, Sedalia
Delegate, Central Deanery

Amrit Tharakan
Christ Church, Springfield & St. Stephen's Monet
Alternate, Southern Deanery