Jr. High Retreat
This year’s weekend retreat homes in on the question “Who do you say that I am?” based on Matthew 16:15-19.
When: Friday, March 21, 7 pm – Saturday, March 22, 9 am, 2025.
Where: Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 4947 NE Chouteau Drive, Kansas City, MO 64119
Who: Grades 6-9
Fee: $25. Scholarships are available.
Online Registration via UltraCamp. There’s a service component this year, too! Each youth needs to bring a non-perishable item or new socks/underwear to support a community-based ministry.
What’s going to happen?
Fun things happen at a Jr. High retreat! Games, activities, music and worship will expand on the theme and there’ll be plenty of time to be with old and new friends. View a sample weekend schedule here!
Why do we have a Jr. High Retreat?
Because Jr. High Youth ask some really good questions… about God and life in general! This year’s question, “Who do you say that I am?”, is one Jesus asked his disciples and as people who identify as Christians, it’s a good question for us to spend some time talking about together.
Where do we sleep?
Participants sleep on the floor of the Sunday School rooms. We have sleeping rooms divided by gender and age, as well as a non-binary sleeping room option. Attendees bring sleeping bags and pillows, but also sometimes camping mats or air mattresses.
What do we eat?
We provide simple, healthy meals and snacks to meet all dietary needs. We rely on volunteers to prepare, serve, and clean-up all of our meals. If you’re interested in helping out for a meal, please contact Kim Snodgrass at wemoyouth@diowestmo.org.
What should I bring?
The Event Packing List will help you out!
Help spread the word:
Poster/Flyer (print one or two, or three, and hang it up in your building!)
Social Media Post (Share on your Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram pages!)