
WEMO Youth are excited for the return of this favorite event! It’s our chance to put our faith in action. Over the course of five days we put our hands and hearts to work around the greater Kansas City area. 

Volunteer worksites change each year, but how the days flow stays much the same. Each day we rise early and head to worksites to get our assignments for the day. At noon, we stop to rest and share some “family time” that includes youth led devotionals. Youth sign up for leadership positions at their worksites and help with “service projects” during the week at St. Paul’s to help keep it clean. Evenings are relaxing and there’s always fun activities to choose from, like an ice cream field trip on the Plaza, board games, or just talking with friends. Each night at 9 pm we gather to sing and hear stories about each worksite’s day and on Saturday, youth chose between “fun” sites in the afternoon. On Sunday we get to hear takeaways from youth who volunteer to be guest preachers at St. Paul’s and that’s always something special!

When: July 15-20, 2025
Where: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,4111 11 East 40th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111 
Who: Students in grades 9th-12th for 2025-26 school year (you must have finished eighth grade to attend); Camp is not restricted to Episcopalians or regular churchgoers. All are welcome, so feel free to invite friends and family. 
Cost: $125. Payment plans are available. If you choose, UltraCamp will automatically divide the cost of MissionPalooza over the remaining months between when you register and the start of the event. The full event fee must be paid by the first day of MissionPalooza. Register early to have more, smaller payments.
Online Registration via UltraCamp will be coming soon! An overview of each volunteer worksite is provided so youth can indicate their top three worksite choices. This makes it possible for all required volunteer site waivers to be completed in advance. 
Scholarships: The Diocesan Youth Program has money available for scholarships to help cover the cost of MissionPalooza.  Click here to learn more or contact Kim Snodgrass, Interim Youth Missioner, wemoyouth@diowestmo.org with any questions.
Cancellation Deadline: Two weeks prior to the start of the MissionPalooza for a 100% refund. 

When asked what their favorite thing was about being at a worksite, participants said –

  • How much I learned. The work was dirty and physical, but I learned skills that could help me later in life.
  • Knowing that I am helping people in my own community. I’ve been on many mission trips in the past but this one was very unique and special because it was in our hometown and made me really appreciate where I come from.

When ask what they learned about themselves and/or their faith at MissionPalooza, participants said –

  • I can make a change. Even though I am just one out if billions of people, I can change the lives of hundreds.
  • God can create miracles for people in the hardest circumstances and it just takes a little faith. Observing the many different people in rehab and their courage and motivation to get well gives me more faith in myself to work harder for goals and to not give up, because they have twice as much to deal with and continue to keep a positive attitude.
  • That there are many hurdles in life and sometimes we may trip and stumble but if we keep getting back up eventually, we will do just fine.
  • That volunteering is fun and it’s what God wants you to do.
  • Helping people makes you feel good.

Check out MissionPalooza FAQ’s and pictures from past events!