Youth Delegate Application

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Step 1 of 2're interested in being a youth delegate to Diocesan Convention next fall! Three delegates and three alternates will be selected. Before submitting this form, please confirm you meet the following requirements: 1) You must be 16 – 19 years old at the time of Diocesan Convention and a current participant in the youth ministry program. 2) Have been a “worshiper” within a congregation for at least six months 3) Able to attend Diocesan Convention (Nov 7-9 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral) 4) Able to attend a minimum of two deanery meetings prior to diocesan convention Applications will be reviewed by the Youth Ministry Commission and the list of candidates will be announced the first week of April. Voting will take place online and will be open from April 19-21. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Fr. David Wilcox Thank you for being willing to serve the youth of our diocese in this way!

Your Personal Information

Your Name*
Youth Email Address*
Youth Address*

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/ Guardian Email Address*
Parent/Guardian Address*